Dr. Alexandra Wachtel
Language skills
English | French

Leopoldstrasse 11a
80802 Munich

T +49. (0)89. 38 38 70 – 0
F +49. (0)89. 38 38 70 – 22


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Dr. Alexandra Wachtel

Attorney at law | Munich

Dr. Alexandra Wachtel advises and represents clients in Germany and abroad in all areas of intellectual property and competition law. Her practice focuses on copyright law – in which she also wrote her dissertation – and trade mark law. Her expertise also includes advising on the application and use of personal data and on contract law issues. Dr. Alexandra Wachtel’s work ranges from developing legal strategies for securing and enforcing intellectual property rights to monitoring and enforcing them.

Even before joining Preu Bohlig’s Munich office, Dr. Alexandra Wachtel concentrated on the field of intellectual property law: while working on her doctorate, she worked at a chair for intellectual property law. She then worked as a trainee lawyer at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate in Berlin, at an international commercial law firm and at the Franco-German cultural broadcaster ARTE in Strasbourg.

Areas of expertise
Trademarks and other commercial designationsCopyrightPress, media and ITSocial mediaData protectionUnfair competition

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf | Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (Avignon, France) | Legal clerkship at the Düsseldorf Regional Court


Anekdote zur Senkung der Arbeitsmoral: Heinrich Bölls Fabel als Animation – Moderne Interpretation oder Urheberrechtsverletzung? Anmerkung zu LG Köln (Az. 14 O 181/22); ZUM-RD 2024, 410

Anmerkung zu öst. OGH (Az. 4 Ob 109/235): Sendelandprinzip bei Satellitenbouquet; GRUR-Prax 2024, 171

Das System der abhängigen Schöpfungen im digitalen Zeitalter – Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel von Internet-Memen, Dissertation 2022 bei Duncker-Humblot

Die Sittenwidrigkeit im Marken- und Urheberrecht – Unter besonderer Beachtung der Cannabislegalisierung und der systematischen Unterschiede beider Schutzrechte; GRUR 2024, 1600

Ein Urteil mit Signalwirkung: Zur Nutzung von Trainingsdaten für generative KI -Besprechung von LG Hamburg, Urt. v. 27.9.2024 – 310 O 227/23 (ZUM 2025, 64); ZUM 2025, 77

WoodExpert: Fachmann für IT-Waren und Dienstleistungen? Anm. zu EuG, Urt. v. 20.11.2024 – T-68/24.; GRUR-Prax 2025, 63

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