The law firm Preu Bohlig & Partner Partnergesellschaft mbB (Professional partnership with limited professional liability) based in Munich. It is entered in the register of partnerships kept at Munich Municipal Court under PR2. Click on Contact to find out how to contact Preu Bohlig Partner.
Person responsible as defined in Sect. 5 DDG: Peter von Czettritz,
Preu Bohlig & Partner, Rechtsanwälte mbB, Leopoldstraße 11a, 80802 München,
eMail:, Tel.: +49 (0)89 383870-0
Preu Bohlig & Partner’s VAT no. is DE 130252115
Person responsible as defined in Sect. 18 II MStV: Peter von Czettritz
Webdesign: INTO Branding
Admission to the bar
The lawyers working at Preu Bohlig & Partner have been admitted to the bar as “Rechtsanwälte” in the FRG and are members of various bar associations (“Rechtsanwaltskammern”) depending on where they are based:
Office Berlin:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin
Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin
T +49. (0)30. 30 69 31 0
F +49. (0)30. 30 69 31 99
Office Düsseldorf:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Düsseldorf
Freiligrathstraße 25
40479 Düsseldorf
T +49. (0)211. 49 5 02 – 0
F +49. (0)211. 49 5 02 – 28
Office München:
Rechtsanwaltskammer München
Tal 33
80331 München
T +49. (0)89. 53 29 44 – 0
F +49. (0)89. 53 29 44 – 28
Dr. Ludwig von Zumbusch M.C.J. (UT Austin) is also registered as attorney-at-law in New York, N.Y., USA. The US supervisory authorities of the respective states are responsible for the attorneys admitted to the bar in the federal states: New York: Unified Court System, Office of Court Administration, 25, Beaver Street, New York, N. Y. 10004,
In addition, Dr Alexander Bayer, LL.M. is admitted to practice as an Attorney-at-Law in Ohio, USA. The following supervisory authority is responsible for Attorneys-at-Law admitted in the US state of Ohio: Court of Bar Admissions, Supreme Court of Ohio, Rhodes State Office Tower, 2nd Floor, 30 East Broad St., Columbus, Ohio 43215-3431, USA
Professional rules
Attorneys at Law:
The rules and regulations currently in force can be obtained for German lawyers: from the Federal Bar Association or from the local Bar Associations.
Professional liability
Professional liability insurance for Rechtsanwälte:
HDI Gerling Firmen und Privat Versicherungs AG
Postfach 10 24 64
50464 Köln
Territorial Scope: entire territory of the EU and countries of the EEA.
Rechtsanwältinnen and Rechtsanwälte are obliged to maintain a minimum professional liability insurance of EUR 2.500.000. Details are available in Sect. 51 BRAO.
Notification concerning extrajudicial consumer dispute Resolution according to Sect. 36 VSBG
Competent consumer Mediation center: For monetary claims based on the client relationship the lawyers’ dispute resolution board is competent, Neue Grünstraße 17, 10179 Berlin, Lawyers are not obliged to participate in extrajudicial Dispute resolution before a consumer mediation center.
Preu Bohlig & Partner is neither legally obligated nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution proceeding before a consumer mediation center pursuant to the VSBG.
Dispute resolution according to ODR Regulation
The ODR platform established according to the ODR Regulation [Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013] can be accessed under
Copyright & Disclaimer
The content of this website only provides general information, and does not constitute legal advice as defined in the German Law on Legal Advice (Rechtsberatungsgesetz). In spite of the homepage being constantly brought up to date and checked, the partners at Preu Bohlig & Partner assume no guarantee for the topicality, accuracy, com-pleteness or quality of the information provided. The partners at Preu Bohlig & Partner shall not be liable for damages either material or otherwise caused by using or failing to use the information provided, or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, unless it can be proved that the partners at Preu Bohlig & Partner are at fault either deliberately or due to gross negligence. The same applies to the content of external websites referring to or linked to this website. Downloading and temporarily storing of these pages for reading on a computer or monitor is permitted. Without the express prior permission of Preu Bohlig & Partner, the reproduction, permanent storage and forwarding of the content of this website are prohibited.
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