Dr. Andreas Heitmann
Language skills
English, French

Grolmanstraße 36

10623 Berlin

T +49. (0)30. 22 69 22 – 0
F +49. (0)30. 22 69 22 – 22

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Dr. Andreas Heitmann

Attorney at law | Berlin
Certified specialist on Employment Law

Andreas Heitmann advises companies on both individual and collective employment law. He also specialises in the field of commercial intellectual property law, in particular trade mark law. As well as handling trade mark application procedures, his main activities also include asserting and protecting claims under the trademark laws. Andreas Heitmann also advises companies and employees in matters of employee invention law.

Areas of expertise
Intellectual PropertyTrademarks and other commercial designationsDesign ProtectionTrade secretsCompetition and commercialUnfair competition

Georg-August-University of Göttingen | legal traineeship at the Hanseatisches Oberlandesgericht (Hanseatic Higher Regional Court) | Doctorate awarded at Georg-August-University of Göttingen


German Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property and Copyright (GRUR)


Kartellrecht: Das Strukturkrisenkartell – ein taugliches Instrument zur Krisenbewältigung?

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