Albrecht Lutterbeck
Language skills

Couvenstraße 4

40211 Düsseldorf

T +49. (0)211. 59 89 16 – 0
F +49. (0)211. 59 89 16 – 22

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Albrecht Lutterbeck

Attorney at law, Partner | Düsseldorf

Albrecht Lutterbeck’s practice areas include counselling and litigation in the field of Company and Commercial Law. He focuses in particular on restructuring, conflict resolution among partners as well as drafting and negotiating of contracts in commerce. Albrecht Lutterbeck delivers advice both to medium-sized as well as large-scale enterprises.

Areas of expertise
Corporate and commercial lawDistribution law and antitrust lawIntellectual PropertyTrademarks and other commercial designationsDesign ProtectionCopyrightPress, media and ITPress lawCompetition and commercialUnfair competitionPartnership law

University of Heidelberg | Georgetown University | legal traineeship in Düsseldorf


Alumnus of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung | Coach in Munich Business Plan Competition (MBPW) | Association of German Jurists (DJT) | German Bar Association (DAV) | Working Group Corporate and Commercial


Handelsregister, Unternehmensregister, Bundesanzeiger – Pflichtveröffentlichungen, oder: wo was steht, Sonderinformation – Dezember 2009

Befohlene Ergänzung: Rechtsstellung eines Ergänzungsmitglieds (Mitautor), Der Aufsichtsrat 07-08/2008, S. 104-105, sowie Sonderausgabe 02/2008 <br<

Collaboration in commentaries and textbooks

Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung (VwGO), Kommentar, Schenke/Kopp, 11. bis 13. Auflage, Verlag C.H.Beck München

Fernabsatzgesetz, Kommentar, Wilmer/Hahn, C.F. Müller Verlag, Heidelberg

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