In June of this year, the 3rd, completely revised edition of the textbook “Pharma-recht” was published in the NJW Praxis series by C.H. Beck. Peter v. Czettritz is co-editor of the work, which has become a standard reference work on pharmaceutical law. He co-authored §§ 5-9 (Medical Devices and Advertising) of the textbook together with Tanja Strelow and Dr Stephanie Thewes.
The work offers a systematic introduction to the law on medicinal products, medical devices and medical aids and shows the many cross-references to the law on statutory health insurance funds. It also focuses on issues relating to the tendering of medical studies and marketing authorisation as well as the advertising and marketing of medicinal products and medical devices.
The new edition takes into account the separation of human medicinal products and veterinary medicinal products law and deals with important changes for the area of centralised medicinal products as well as the new law for clinical trials and the consequences of Brexit. In medical device law, the replacement of the previous regulations by the Medical Device Regulation and the Medical Device Law – Implementation Act is presented. In addition, the provisions of the Unfair Competition Act and the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act are explained along with all the new developments in this area. The latest practice of authorities and courts has also been incorporated.